Insurance Plans Accepted:
Medicare, Medicaid, CHP+/Colorado Access, Tricare, Kaiser, Humana, Cigna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, United Health Care, UMR, Secure Horizons, AARP, Rocky Mountain Health Plan, Continental Benefits, Great West, Multiplan/PCHS, Mailhandlers, Champ VA, Vision Service Plan, Eyemed, Spectera, Friday Health Plan, Anthem/Blue Cross Blue Shield. In Process: Bright Health
**Accepted insurance plans are subject to change. Please call to verify that we are currently on your insurance panel **
Payment Accepted:
Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Check and Cash.
What is Vision insurance, and how is it different from Medical insurance?
A Vision insurance policy is different from your health insurance policy. Medical health insurance protects you from unexpected costs for eye injury or disease. In contrast, vision insurance provides an added wellness benefit for healthy eye exams, which includes ROUTINE eye care, prescription eyewear and contact lenses, and other vision services at a reduced cost. Some examples of vision insurance include Spectera, Vision Service Plan and Eyemed.
What does vision insurance cover?

Most vision insurance plans include the following benefits:
Annual Vision exams
Eyeglass frames
Eyeglass lenses
Contact lenses
Check with your plan to see if your benefits cover you once every year or once every two years. Eyeglass frames and lenses and contact lenses can usually be purchased at a discount, but not every plan has this benefit.
What does my vision insurance NOT cover?
Vision plans do not cover any part of an eye exam considered “medical”. For example, vision insurance will not cover vision loss, floaters, dry eyes, allergies, infections, eye disease, or eye exams for complication from diabetes. If you need medication the doctor will not be able to give you a prescription if you are using a vision insurance.
Additionally, some vision insurance plans do not cover contact lens fittings (for first time wearers or established wearers that need to switch to a new brand) or yearly contact lens evaluations.
What kinds of Vision insurance plans are available?
Typical vision insurance plans include benefits in exchange for a yearly fee. Just like your medical insurance, this means that you may have a yearly deductible and/or copays for exams and other services.
Another type of vision insurance plan is a discount plan. Instead of copays, you will pay a discounted rate (usually anywhere from 75-85%) of the total fee charged by your doctor.
When do I use my medical insurance at the eye doctor’s office?
Your medical insurance is usually used if you have an eye problem or eye disease or if any medical condition is present that causes eye problems. Some common conditions for which we can bill your medical insurance include:
Patients with vision loss, floaters, dry eyes, allergies, infections, etc. Monitoring cataract development, examination of patients possessing diabetes
Examination of patients using medications with potential eye side effects, such as steroid medications, arthritis medications, etc.
Patients that are at high risk for glaucoma development, patients with macular degeneration.
When you call in to make your next appointment with the eye doctor, make sure to explain the purpose of your visit so that we bill the appropriate insurance. Additionally, please always bring your insurance card(s) with you to every appointment.
Will Medicare cover my eye exam for new glasses or contact lenses?
Unfortunately, no. Medicare does not cover routine eye exams where your glasses or contact lens prescription is checked. Medicare will only pay for eye exams relating to medical complaints.
Can I use my vision insurance and my medical insurance for a joint exam on the same day?
No. By law, we cannot bill two different types of insurance on one day. There are two alternatives.
First, we can always schedule your medical and vision visits on separate days, allowing us to bill your insurances on different days. You may have to go through some repetitive parts of the exam on those days because by law there are certain things the eye doctor must document at every visit.
If you need to schedule your medical and refraction exam on the same day, another option is billing your medical insurance for the medical exam (don’t forget, this may include a copayment at the time of your visit) and paying the additional flat rate for a refraction.
Why is insurance so complicated?
Good question! We don’t make the rules, we just follow them. You can call the phone number on the back of your insurance card or look up your insurance policy details online. Ultimately it is your responsibility to understand the policies of your insurance companies, both medical and vision. Please call us if you have any remaining questions.

Vision insurance is one of the most misunderstood benefits of all health-related coverage.
Vision insurance is designed to pay toward "routine" comprehensive eye examinations. A "routine" eye examination checks for, but finds no medical problems. The refraction (determination of the eye's prescription) is included, and since there are no medical problems, there is no discussion of problems or follow-up needed. Most vision insurance plans do not pay toward the contact lens portion of the examination, but may offer a discount on these services. Vision insurance plans often pay a portion of (or offer a discount on) eyeglasses or contact lenses.
Most vision plans to do not cover ANY medical testing, diagnosis, consultation or treatment. Vision insurance covers ONLY routine eye exams for purchasing glasses or fitting and purchasing contact lenses. Regardless of your vision insurance, most plans do not cover 100% of expenses, and thus you should expect some out-of-pocket costs. There may be co-pays, deductibles or a percentage of costs that you will pay out-of-pocket as required by your insurance policy. And all co-pays are due at the time services are rendered.
Medical insurance may apply toward eye care visits that are medical in nature. An emergency visit, or one focused on a specific eye problem, would be submitted to medical insurance. Some examples of a medical visit are: eye infection, floaters, styes, dry eyes, glaucoma treatment, loss of vision caused by a medical condition of the eye, etc.
Believe it or not, a comprehensive examination that is medical in nature does not include the refraction.
Nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and the need for reading glasses are not considered a medical diagnosis. Medical insurance plans will deny this portion of the examination.
Let’s face it, insurance can be confusing. This is particularly true when an individual has both medical and vision coverage. Understanding your insurance PRIOR to any service can help you avoid confusion and frustration.
Although our staff members are very knowledgeable about insurance plans, remember that it is not the doctor’s or staff’s responsibility to know the details of your individual plan. It is to your benefit to be aware of possible deductibles and co-pays that are part of your plan. Your insurance plan may cover routine vision care, but if your deductible has not yet been met, you will still have to pay for the service until your deductible is met.
We encourage you to speak with your insurance company PRIOR to your appointment about your plans specific details. Then, as always, feel free to ask us questions about how they will apply to your upcoming visit. We will do everything we can to help you better understand your policy, but the more knowledge you have about how it works ahead of time, the less frustrating it will be for you at the time of the exam.
Use it or lose it. Vision insurance benefits do expire.
Depending upon the type of vision insurance plan you’ve enrolled in, your vision insurance benefits may expire annually. This means if you don’t “use it” you “lose it” until the next year. Since you are contributing your hard-earned money toward your vision coverage, there’s really no excuse to skip your annual eye exam or see your optometrist should you experience any changes in your vision.
What’s more, many of the defined contribution vision insurance plans (Flexible Spending Accounts in particular) don’t allow for your deposited money to roll over into the next year. If you don’t spend what you’ve allocated, you may be at risk of losing that money entirely.
Think beyond the traditional examination to a second pair of eyeglasses, prescription sunglasses, photochromic lenses, or eyewear that’s specifically designed to fit your lifestyle. All might be within ready reach if you maximize your vision insurance coverage.
Routine vs. Medical Eye Exams
To understand the difference, one must analyze the different types of eye exams. Even though office visits to an eye care professional are usually categorized as either “routine” or “medical,” this terminology has nothing to do with the steps it takes to perform a comprehensive eye exam nor the type of doctor who performs the exam.
A comprehensive “routine” vision exam often contains the same elements as a comprehensive “medical” eye exam, and seeing an ophthalmologist doesn’t make the exam medical in nature.
The type of eye exam you have is determined by the reason for your visit or your chief complaint, as well as your diagnosis. Routine vision exams usually produce final diagnoses such as nearsightedness or astigmatism, while medical eye exams produce diagnoses such as “conjunctivitis.” Most insurance companies focus on the reason for your visit.
Understanding Your Coverage
Insurance companies handle routine eye exams differently than medical eye exams. Your medical insurance may cover a medical eye problem, but not pay for the exam if it is a “routine” eye exam. Many vision plans provide coverage for glasses and contact lenses, or at least give you some type of discount on the doctor’s fees. Your medical insurance will pay for examinations if you have eye health problems.
Many people with medical insurance have a separate rider policy to cover routine eye exams. To complicate matters more, some medical insurance will cover one routine eye exam every two years in addition to covering an eye exam that is for a medical eye problem. Study your policy closely, as plan coverage varies among insurance companies.
What happens if you have concerns about your eye health but you also need new glasses? Can you have your vision checked even though you have a medical eye problem? The answer, of course, is yes. However, your eye doctor may charge you a refraction fee. Insurance companies usually separate the components of an eye exam, one being the comprehensive exam and the other being the refraction. Typically, vision insurance policies usually cover both the eye exam and the refraction, while medical policies cover the exam only.
A Real-Life Example
Let’s say your employer provides both types of insurance — medical insurance as well as a separate vision plan, such as Vision Service Plan (VSP). You decide that it’s time for your annual eye exam because your glasses are falling apart. So you see your eye care professional for a routine eye exam and to purchase new glasses. Your doctor’s office authorizes your benefits so you proceed with the examination. At the end of the exam, your doctor informs you that in addition to a minor prescription change, he found signs of glaucoma.
You are instructed to return in one week for additional tests.
Remember that your original reason for the visit had been to have an eye exam and to purchase new glasses. Even though your doctor found signs of glaucoma at the end of the examination, this visit would be covered under your “vision plan” because the main reason for the visit was to get your vision checked for new glasses. But, because at the end of that exam you are considered a potential glaucoma patient, your medical insurance will cover the additional tests and office visits related to the medical diagnosis of “glaucoma suspect.”
When time comes for your examination next year, it is possible that you could use your medical insurance to cover your examination, because this year it was determined that you could be at risk for developing glaucoma. This serves as a medical diagnosis with your reason for the visit being “glaucoma suspect.”
What You Should Know
Although most eye care practices are very knowledgeable about insurance plans, remember that it is not your doctor’s responsibility to know the details of your individual plan. It is to your benefit to be aware of possible deductibles and co-pays that are part of your plan. Your insurance plan may cover routine vision care, but you might end up paying for it anyway if your deductible has not yet been met.